How To Get Along With Difficult People

If we want to live in full harmony with our brothers and sisters in the Lord, then it is essential that we learn to die to self in every way. If we don’t learn to do this, then we will not be able to love and get along with difficult people. It is not easy to live in oneness with others and to steer away from complaining and grudges. We will be blessed if we learn to live in peace until we die, for Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matt. 5:8 (ESV) Even when we have to work through a disagreement we can learn to do it peacefully and “speak the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15). In order to get along with difficult people we should think of ourselves as pilgrims on this earth. We are just traveling through this place so Continue Reading →

What Is Biblical Fellowship? Everyone Contributes!

If we ask ourselves the question “what does scripture say should happen when believers gather together” (i.e. the weekly service) we might be surprised. One thing that dominates the various passages (Rom. 12:6-10; I Cor. 11:17-24;I Cor. 14:26-33; Gal. 6:2; Eph. 5:19-21; Col. 3:16; Heb. 10:24-25; James 5:14-16) is that there should be the mutual exercise of gifts to edify one another. This may not seem radical at first, but it is rare and it is biblical fellowship. How many Sunday services have you been to where many different people exercise gifts to edify others in a mutual way? Usually the preacher does nearly all the ministry. Preaching is important but is this biblical fellowship? It is true that the worship time is a time when people other than the pastor exercise their gifts. But where are the different people exercising the various gifts in Romans 12 (e.g., exhorting, teaching, Continue Reading →

Be Patient With Others

We should be patient with the faults of others as well as our own faults. If we want to learn to be patient with others, we can pray that God will give us strength to be patient and kind. We can remind ourselves that others have to bear with our faults. We can remember that we usually cannot correct our own faults without great effort; why should we be impatient with the habitual faults of others? Besides, human faults are an opportunity for us to allow our character to be refined, especially learning to be patient with others. If it is our place to say something about someone’s fault, and we have mentioned it more than once then we should not nag someone so that we get into a dispute over it. We can just fulfill our proper role without becoming angry or aggressive. We should not take the situation Continue Reading →

New Podcast: Christ Formation

Announcing my new podcast, “Christ Formation: Practical Discipleship,” which is available on all the major podcast apps. If you have a desire to go deeper with Jesus, I think this podcast will satisfy you. The focus is on spiritual growth, overcoming barriers and finding the peace, joy and fulfillment that comes from following Jesus. It should help if you have been feeling blocked, frustrated or discouraged, or if you just want to be a better person in relationships. How to Find It In your podcast app, search for ” Christ Formation” or my name, “ Phil Rehberg ” to follow the podcast. If you still have trouble, search for “Christ Formation: Practical Discipleship”. Look for the same image as the one for this post. I would be very grateful if you subscribed or followed! If you are on the same device as your podcast app, try these links to the Continue Reading →

How To Resist Temptation – Part 1

We will always have troubles and temptations in this world. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.” John 16:33 (NIV) Moreover, it will be a struggle to resist temptation because the root of temptation is within us, for “each person is tempted when he is lured and tempted by his own desire.” James 1:14 (ESV) Trials and suffering naturally become temptations because they tempt us to doubt and turn from following Jesus. Therefore, if we are having troubles then we know that a temptation is lurking. So, in order to resist temptation we need to be on constant alert to know when a temptation has begun.  We don’t need to be anxiously consumed with fear of temptations, but neither can we afford to neglect awareness. The enemy is always prowling around like a lion hoping to sink his teeth into us. “if we are having troubles then we Continue Reading →