Constantly Abiding In Jesus – Words From A Master

Today we have some profound words about abiding in Jesus from Francis De Sales (b. 1567 – d. 1622), from Chapter 13 of his book Introduction to the Devout Life. His words complement a post that appeared here a couple of weeks ago about abiding in Jesus . De Sales inspires us to keep in constant contact with God throughout the day. “You can express spiritual desires to God by short, ardent movements of your heart. Marvel at his beauty, implore his help, cast yourself in spirit at the foot of the cross, adore his goodness, converse often with him about your salvation, present your soul to him a thousand times during the day, fix your interior eyes upon his sweet countenance, stretch out your hand to him like a little child to his father so that he may lead you on, place him in your bosom like a fragrant bouquet, plant him Continue Reading →

Your Rewards In Heaven Depend On Your Works

When we think about our blessings in heaven we usually think about the immense pleasure of just being in God’s presence and enjoying his love. We may not think so much about the rewards in heaven God will give because that seems too self-focused. Moreover, how much good is a reward compared to being directly in God’s presence with Jesus? In Bernard of Clairvaux’s (b. 1090 – d. 1153) famous work On Loving God he says that “God is not loved without reward, although he should be loved without regard for one” (Sec. 6.17). Bernard rates loving God because of rewards in heaven as only the second of four levels of loving God. And yet scripture repeatedly uses rewards in heaven to motivate us to be Christlike. God assures us in Ephesians 6:7-8 that we should do “service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that whatever good Continue Reading →

The Christlike Creed Helps You Mature

When the church wanted to clarify its doctrines in the early centuries it developed the Apostle’s Creed. It would also be helpful to have a creed that summarizes the practice of the faith. That is why I wrote the Christlike Creed. It contains 9 stanzas of 3 lines each and summarizes the important attitudes and practices of the Christian life, including identity and destiny. It describes what a Christlike person looks like. In other words, it describes spiritual growth and discipleship. Consider how important it is to have a description of what a disciple of Jesus looks like. How can a church or ministry make disciples if the leaders or the people don’t know what a disciple looks like? Don’t we need to know what we are aiming for? This creed describes what a disciple of Christ looks like so we know what is important and what is less important. Continue Reading →

Christians Are Not Popular

When I was in high school the “straight” kids could not be part of the “in-group.” The kids who drank, or partied or did drugs were popular. Off-color jokes and cutting others down also helped. But obviously this was just kids trying to be cool and popular and willing to compromise their conscience. In their view, Christians are not popular. The good kids just had to accept being outsiders. But when the “in-group” kids became adults it seemed that many of them matured and recognized what it meant to live a healthy life. They married and had kids and changed their ways. They became more responsible and less dependent on approval won through foolish immorality. But now it seems the whole country is like a high school. Few actually grow up anymore. Hedonism and boastfulness are the popular virtues. Honest reflection on meaning and values is rare. When the “good Continue Reading →

The Wonder Of Our Future Oneness With God

Last week we looked at the scriptural progression of vision, Christformation and “spiritual marriage” or oneness with God. This week we look at what our oneness with God will look like. We know that we will not be one essence with God – we are only created beings and God is uncreated. We also know that we don’t know a lot about the details of our final destiny. I John 3:2 explains that what we will be has not yet been revealed. With these thoughts in mind we can reflect on some of what we do know. Reflecting on the marriage analogy used in Ephesians 5 and Revelation 19 and 21 we understand that whatever our relationship to God will be, it will be an intimate one, for this is one of the essential features of marriage. We also understand that we will enjoy affectionate feelings for one another, analogous to Continue Reading →