Longing For Marriage With Christ

We can sum up our destiny by saying that God will bring us into his presence (II Cor 4:14) and give us a vision of Jesus that will make us like Jesus (I John 3:2). Theologians refer to this vision as the beatific vision. But is that the end of our destiny? Scripture teaches that there is something more: spiritual marriage with Christ. The supremacy of spiritual marriage with Christ is seen in the book of Revelation. In Revelation 19:7-8 the great multitude declares “…the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure.”  The marriage comes after the purification. This purification is essentially equivalent to the Christformation mentioned so often in the New Testament. The marriage supper of the Lamb represents God’s highest goal for humans. In the New Creation we will Continue Reading →

Follow His Example

Today’s post is an interpretation of the first chapter of the most popular devotional book in the history of Christianity, The Imitation of Christ. It was written by a monk (or possibly several monks) in the 15th century named Thomas a Kempis. The chapter has been clarified, condensed and changed in a few places, all with the hope that it will be easier to read without losing any of the power of the original. Notice how direct and challenging the author is; this style is not as popular today but does reflect the urgency found in scripture. The first chapter leads us to focus on Jesus’ words and follow his example. Imitation of Christ, Chapter One. Jesus said “Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness.” (John 8:12) He teaches us to follow his example if we want to see true light. Let us make it our highest priority to meditate Continue Reading →

Humble Leadership – Part 2

Last week we looked at three foundational attitudes for humble leadership: thinking of oneself as a student, a servant, and a messenger. Together these attitudes form humility in us. Today we build on humility with more ideas that deepen humility and equip us for mature leadership, whether we lead as a parent, a spouse, an employee, or in ministry. Truly Love People. This means our heart is committed to the well-being of the people we serve, with at least some measure of affection. If we don’t truly love the people, then we need to find a way to change our hearts or reconsider our calling. Be Weak and Strong. We are a flower in the field but also an anchor in the storm. This sounds like a paradox but it actually makes a lot of sense. Jesus made himself vulnerable for the sake of the people he served, but he was, and is, Continue Reading →

Humble Leadership – Part 1

You just finished leading a great meeting. Everyone was happy and happy with you. Several smiled and thanked you personally. At home you are feeling thankful for being able to lead. Then, as you relax, your mind starts wandering and thinking about what a great person you are. You are a fantastic leader, so much better than most…whoa! What happened here? You were just thinking about being thankful then you started getting delusions of grandeur. How quickly spiritual pride rears its head and sabotages humble leadership. Scripture teaches that you have an old self, or “flesh” that you have to fight. It has desires that assault us, which we resist by centering on Christ, “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh” (Rom. 13:14, NIV). This explains why these temptations and impulses rise up within us. In Continue Reading →

How To Deal With Unwanted Thoughts – Part 2

This is the second of two blog posts on unwanted thoughts. The first post looked at the stages a thought goes through, and when we need to stop it. This post looks at specific strategies for dealing with unwanted thoughts. In general, we can examine the thought, reject it, then let it float by. We can turn our mind to something else, and let the thought die of neglect. We may have to repeat this process hundreds of times for ingrained unwanted thoughts. Does God Love You Regardless Of Your Good Works?January 10, 2025God Rewards Our Sacrifices For Jesus – Weekly Words Of EncouragementJanuary 6, 2025The Good News Of The Kingdom – Weekly Words Of EncouragementDecember 30, 2024