Do You Desire Deeper Friendships? – Part Four
So far in this series we have looked at several ways for developing close spiritual friends. This week we look at accountability and healing. Many of us have a love/hate relationship with accountability. We know that it is good for us but we rarely, if ever, go seeking it out. And if someone tries to hold us accountable without our asking our usual impulse is to resist it. Moreover, the idea of us holding others accountable makes us cringe because we don’t feel qualified or we fear the disturbance in our relationship. But if we want deep spiritual friendships then we will welcome accountability. In the New Testament accountability is mentioned in the form of warning each other. Colossians 3:16 instructs us to be “admonishing one another”. The word for admonish means gently warn or caution. I prefer the word warn because “admonish” is vague to many of us. Warning Continue Reading →