The Least Is The Greatest – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.” Luke 9:48, NIV. Once again Jesus declares that his kingdom is an upside-down kingdom. Humans strive for status in this life, but how many people are more concerned with their status in God’s kingdom? Our status in the kingdom of God is not dependent on our status in this world. God is not interested in our worldly status. Instead, it is the one who is least among us who is the most important; the least is the greatest. In this passage Jesus was trying to settle an argument among his twelve disciples about who was greatest. But this doesn’t just apply to the twelve; anyone who is willing to humble themselves like a child is great in the kingdom of God (Matt. 18:4). This is so encouraging to those who have no status in this Continue Reading →

Does God Love You Regardless Of Your Good Works?

I feel some fear and trepidation writing this post! I wonder if Martin Luther would pick a fight with me if he read this. And I’m concerned that some hard-core Calvinists will consider this heresy. But I trust that readers believe in the supremacy of scripture, so here goes. The question is, does God love you whether or not you do good works (forgive others, help our brothers and sisters, speak encouragement to our household, help others mature in Christ, etc.)? It is very popular with some to talk only about how important it is to rest in God’s love and grace for us. It is said that there is nothing more we need to do to be accepted by God. Certainly, these things are true in the sense that salvation is by faith only, not works. But if these ideas are the whole message, or sermon, then are they Continue Reading →

Entering Heaven: God’s Kingdom – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Pet. 1:11 (ESV) 2 Peter 1 lists virtues we should seek such as faith, self-control, endurance, godliness and brotherly kindness. Then God promises that if we practice these qualities we will have a “rich” entrance into the kingdom of Jesus! In other words, if we will diligently become like Christ, then we will be honored as we are entering heaven. Later, God will create a New Earth where we will live in God’s Kingdom on Earth forever and we will be tremendously blessed in that next age. Just imagine actually entering heaven and experiencing a big celebration for you personally because you dedicated your life to being like Jesus in your relationships and actions on earth. It might seem like God is going overboard to Continue Reading →

The Benefits Of Persecution – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.” I Pet. 4:14. Society increasingly views Christians with suspicion. In some places Christians are respected but in others they experience outright hostility and prejudice. Many Christians experience discrimination in their workplace because of their faith. Of course, this is very sad since most of what is good in America came through Christianity (and all good things come from God.) But we can look to the benefits of persecution. It is encouraging to remember that God blesses us when we are rejected for Christ. In fact, this passage promises that just the fact that you are insulted brings you the benefits of persecution, blessings from God. Also, the glorious Spirit of God rests on you, which is a treasure that far surpasses anything you have lost in Continue Reading →

Why Be In Solitude?

Authentic relationship with God grows in community, but it also requires solitude. We need time to shut everything else off and just be with God in Christ. In solitude we can focus on giving to God and receiving from him. In solitude we can meditate on Jesus and on scripture which produces deep change in us. In our meditation we should frequently remember all that God has given us. In meditation we also open up to the sins and weaknesses God wants to purify. It is hard to find time for prayer and meditation in solitude, but if you cut out trivial conversations and activities then you will find enough time. Then you must determine a way to find solitude, just as Jesus did early in the morning. Find a time and place where you can escape. It is in solitude that our relationship with God grows deep and strong. Continue Reading →