Suffering Will Bless You – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” Romans 8:35 (ESV) It is interesting that in the same sentence about Christ’s love we have a list of terrible things that our loving God allows in our lives. Why is this? Because God’s first priority is your Christformation, not comfortable circumstances. In vv. 28-29 we learn that all things work to conform you to the image of Christ. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son” (Rom. 8:28-29, NIV). Thus, suffering will bless you! And the truth we always know is that Christ loves us no matter what terrible thing is happening to Continue Reading →

You Can Withstand The Trial – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.  Luke 6:47-48 (NIV) Jesus didn’t say we could avoid floods. We will all have “floods” in our lives, some worse than others. But you can withstand the trial. Maybe you are in the middle of a flood right now. That is the time to hold Jesus’ words even more closely to your heart. His words really are the foundation for your soul. So it will be helpful to read through the Gospels, find the words of Jesus and practice them. Reflect on John 16:33, “I have said these things to you, Continue Reading →

Create Meaningful Conversations – Imitation of Christ Chapter Ten

From the Imitation of Christ, Chapter Ten. Avoid the tumultuous talk of the world. A lot of talk about worldly things becomes a hindrance. Even when such talk is innocent it puts our focus on trivial matters. Learn to create meaningful conversations. Consider how often we regret worldly things we said. And consider how often we regret not talking about something more meaningful with a friend. Afterward, you realize that they might have a need you could have discussed, and you could have helped them. Sometimes we talk about pointless things just because we want to have some friendly interaction. But a friendship is more rewarding if we talk about good or useful things. Learn to push through the initial discomfort of bringing up something meaningful. Otherwise, the conversation leaves us feeling empty afterward. Remember that our happiness is found in relationships, with God and others. Conversations are the primary way Continue Reading →

If We Humble Ourselves – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted” Matt. 23:12 (NIV). In this verse Jesus continues to set us free from bondage to worldly success. In fact, those who exalt themselves in this world will be brought low in the next age, which is eternity. But if we humble ourselves, God will exalt us! Perhaps we don’t think about God exalting us, but he is our Father and he wants to honor his children. In the next age God will make us into radiant images of the perfect human, Jesus. God will appoint us to govern his creation as we were originally intended to do. But it is not easy to humble ourselves. We don’t just hope it will happen; we need to work at it. It requires a change in mindset toward others. We choose to help others succeed and we look Continue Reading →

Am I Using My Will Too Little (Or Too Much)?

One question I ask myself fairly regularly is whether I am using my will too much in order to grow spiritually or whether I am not trying hard enough. In other words, am I doing my part according to scripture? Am I crowding out the Spirit by trying to do too much on my own, or on the other hand, am I not activating my will and thus expecting God to change me without my cooperation? Am I erring on one side or the other: too willful or not willful enough? I have erred on both sides in my life, and I still have to adjust regularly. This is an important question because it can have a dramatic effect on our growth. If I just read a little scripture each day and go to church on Sundays, then I shouldn’t expect to grow much. This is the most common side Continue Reading →