Discipleship Evangelism means explaining the whole gospel so people are not robbed of the opportunity to experience the full power of the message of salvation thru Jesus. In other words, it means explaining the true gospel so listeners are actually saved. It produces listeners who become truly converted, born of the Spirit and disciples of Jesus. “Discipleship Evangelism” is a redundant term but it is useful because it emphasizes the idea that biblical evangelism is about inviting people to become disciples of Jesus.
The opposite of discipleship evangelism is “easy believism.” Consider Billy Graham’s statement on easy believism: “As I approached my 95th birthday, I was burdened to write a book that addressed the epidemic of “easy believism.” Satan has cleverly misled people by whispering that they can believe in Jesus Christ without being changed, but this is the Devil’s lie. To those who say you can have Christ without giving anything up, Satan is deceiving you. “
Our greatest hope is that you include the five stages of salvation in your salvation invitations. Please don’t give weak salvation invitations. Scripture includes 7 elements of salvation; we include 3 of them into stage one. This is the whole gospel. The five stages of salvation of the whole gospel in scripture are:
1. Conviction that one is a sinner (fails to love God and others) and this separates them from God who loves them.
2. Hear that Jesus was the Son of God and lived the perfect life and died on the Cross for our sins.
3. One is saved by faith not works. The first element of faith is to repent from one’s old life.
4. The second element of faith is to believe stage #2 and receive Jesus as savior.
5. The third element of faith is to make an initial surrender to Jesus as one’s leader.
If you include these five stages in your salvation invitations then you are doing discipleship evangelism!
For a better understanding of discipleship evangelism and how you can present this to others, read my book The Road to New Life (click on the image below to visit the Amazon site). It serves as the perfect training tool for Christian workers, teachers, evangelists, and missionaries as they learn, or teach others, how to effectively explain the gospel. It is especially helpful to youth workers.

The Road to New Life explains the gospel and the responses to its message in a complete way, filling a need that many other books don’t. The author helps the reader to understand what they are doing and to count the cost of becoming a follower of Jesus, avoiding the problem of “easy believism” and quickie conversions that don’t really change the heart.
Let’s take Discipleship Evangelism to the world!
Description of Road to New Life book for Seekers
God Wants A Friendship With You!
Are you or someone you care about ready for a new and better life? If so, this book is for you. The Road to New Life explains the pathway to all God wants for you and how you can receive it through a restored relationship with him. You can’t earn or buy God’s love and new eternal life, but they are free for the asking if you decide to follow the way of Jesus of Nazareth.God made you for a purpose, and he wants to help you live it and experience the peace and joy that go with it. As you travel this road toward God, you will see how valuable you are to him and how he longs to free you from shame, insecurity, and emptiness. He wants to heal pain and loneliness, and he wants to transform your life.
Whether you’re new to this journey with God or have traveled it for many years and want to better understand how to share it with others, this book is the perfect tool for understanding the story of God’s love for his people and how we have become separated from him and eternal life through sin. But it doesn’t stop there— it provides the essential steps to knowing God and seeing the wonderful things he will do in your life. Following him isn’t always easy, but it’s always better.
If you or a friend or loved one is searching for a more meaningful life or struggling with relationships, finances, loss, addiction, or any other crisis, God is waiting with inner security, acceptance, and love for you, just as you are. And he is inviting you to live with him and his followers in true community forever! Open this book, start down the road, and find the answers you’ve been looking for.
The Road to New Life: the Way of Jesus of Nazareth is a complete explanation of salvation through Jesus Christ. It takes seekers step-by-step through the salvation process, beginning with God’s love and the problem of sin. The book examines Jesus’ life and His work on the Cross, the issue of repentance, the need for faith, and true surrender to Jesus as Lord. Readers will receive the basics of following Jesus and understand the problem of weak salvation invitations. Chapters include questions for reflection and prayers to help the reader through the process of accepting and living for Christ. It also includes a chapter that summarizes the process of salvation and a chapter that explains the basics of living the Christian life.
This is an ideal gift for an unbeliever, or someone who said a prayer of salvation once but never really started following Jesus. It is also excellent for helping new believers confirm and solidify their faith.