Gathering With Jesus – Weekly Words of Encouragement

“Whoever does not gather with me scatters” (Luke 11:23, NIV). Looking at the positive side of this statement by Jesus, it is encouraging that we can be gathering with Jesus. In this age, Jesus’ mission is our mission because we are his agents. This is our adventure. This is our new life in God, being his channels for sowing the blessings of the kingdom to others. We are his harvesters, inviting and gathering others for the New Creation to come. He is our head and we, his followers, are his body. We are his arms and legs, responding to the leadings of the divine Mind. He is coordinating his followers in his worldwide campaign to bring his kingdom to the whole earth, and we are gathering with Jesus. And one day we will all be together on the New Earth, our eternal gathering place, to live in a New Eden. What could be better in this life than gathering with Jesus to bring people to that destiny?

Do you think of yourself as gathering with Jesus? How can you actively do that now?

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