“I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul.” Psalm 31:7 (NLT) God sees our troubles and he cares about our distress, even if we don’t feel it. When we dwell in the place of trust in God’s care for us then our soul dwells in the kingdom of God. We are not controlled by our circumstances and we are not misled by the visible world. We have victory because by faith we dwell in the invisible world of God’s love. So we rejoice, not because we are in denial or escape to a fictitious realm, rather we rejoice because we are learning to travel the roads of the deeper reality of God’s realm.

“When we dwell in the place of trust in God’s care for us then our soul (mind, will and emotions) dwells in the Kingdom of God.” Hummm – how do we ever really reach that ‘place of trust’ in this life of turmoil?