“The Lord has heard the sound of my weeping” (Psalms 6:8, ESV). We don’t have to be consciously communicating with God in order for him to hear us. Of course, he wants us to pour out our hearts to him in conscious prayer and this is our lifeline. But when we abide in Christ then he is our Father who hears us when we cry and that moves his heart. He is like an earthly father who hears his child sobbing in their bedroom and goes to the door to listen for the reason. Will not the father try to rectify the situation in order to relieve the suffering? In the same way our heavenly father hears our tears and they move him to action. Maybe he will rectify the problem or maybe he will comfort us in our pain, reminding us of our ultimate destiny. Either way, he cares about our pain and we are encouraged that as we cry “in him” he will cause all things to work together for good (Rom. 8:28).