Your word, LORD, is eternal;
it stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
you established the earth, and it endures.
Psalms 119:89-90 (NIV)
In this life so much of what surrounds us is temporary. People come and go. Ideas come and go. Congregations come and go. Our favorite things come and go. We have no permanent anchor in this world.
But truths and promises that God has spoken are permanent. They are eternal in the heavens, never changing and always good. His words are for our benefit and we can rely on them because God is faithful through all the generations of humanity. Our society may change for the worse and try to convince us that it is a waste of time to pursue holiness, but God’s words do not change and pursuing holiness will gain us far more than anything that can be gained on earth.
Our citizenship is in heaven, our city is in heaven, our Father is in heaven and our Savior is in heaven. Heaven is permanent because it is where God rules completely. Nothing on earth can impair God’s heaven. This earth will end one day. Earthly popularity means nothing; heavenly truths bless us forever.