If we want to live in full harmony with our brothers and sisters in the Lord, then it is essential that we learn to die to self in every way. If we don’t learn to do this, then we will not be able to love and get along with difficult people. It is not easy to live in oneness with others and to steer away from complaining and grudges. We will be blessed if we learn to live in peace until we die, for Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matt. 5:8 (ESV) Even when we have to work through a disagreement we can learn to do it peacefully and “speak the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15).
In order to get along with difficult people we should think of ourselves as pilgrims on this earth. We are just traveling through this place so we don’t have to grasp for coming out on top. Honors and status in this life are not important; instead, we strive for the honors God will give us in the New Creation (II Cor. 5:10). We are exiles for a short time here; soon we will travel home. It is more important and valuable to God if we learn to get along with difficult people, especially fellow believers. It is just as well to be humble now.
We should not worry about how difficult someone is and all their faults. Instead, we need to focus on Christformation and putting to death our destructive desires. Then we can be humble and get along with difficult people. To live in peace we should learn to be the servant of all.
We are called to endure and to work out our salvation “with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12). We are not called to a life of ease and association only with pleasurable people. We need to develop the new will God gave us when He gave us a new self. Then living in harmony will refine us like gold in a furnace. If we will humble ourselves before others, then God will lift us up (I Peter 5:6).
Is there a difficult person in your life? How are you getting along with them? What can you improve?
(This post is partly based on chapter 17 of the classic The Imitation of Christ.)
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