Are you or your organization trying to making some substantial changes? Are you trying to establish new strategies or goals? Do you need to correct some problems. The following list is a collection of wisdom to help you do this. Perhaps you want to improve the ministry you are involved in. Perhaps your congregation is making some major changes to its ministry. If you follow these guidelines you will be much more likely to achieve your new goals. It is surprising how few organizations have effective guidelines for making changes and then suffer because of it. If we are not intentional about guiding change then it usually does not happen. Many congregations are weak or in decline because of this lack of wisdom. These guidelines can also apply to personal changes you want to make!
Guide to Achieving New Goals in an Organization (Or Correcting Problems)
- Pray and choose to depend on God and to do his will as best you can. Offer the entire situation to him as the ultimate director.
- Determine the truth. What is actually happening? What is the scope of the problem or barrier? Be brutally honest!
- Determine goal (or vision). How do I/we desire to end up?
- Determine causes of the problem(s) and the barriers to the goal. What are the root reasons this is happening?
- Explore solutions. How can I/we overcome the barriers and root causes? Find reliable guides or experts! Who can I contact for advice? Determine what solutions have worked for others in the past. Make a list of ideas.
- Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you move toward deciding on a plan.
- Create an effective plan based on the wisdom you have gained. The plan must be based on ideas that have proven successful for others in the past or if the situation is new then the plan must be rationally and proportionately designed to solve the problem or reach the goal as well as be maximized for success.
- Leaders collectively agree to passionately pursue the plan. Will we fully commit to the plan? There should be a team-style enthusiasm for the plan.
- Commence and establish the plan. Educate the members, allow for questions and feedback. Adjust plan if necessary. Will the whole organization embrace the plan and the goal/vision?
- Leaders become models of the changes desired. They need to fully practice anything they are asking the members to practice.
- Get feedback in order to monitor effectiveness. If the plan isn’t working well enough then modify it.
- Keep repeating these steps until you reach your goal. Repetition will help you solve new problems and improve the plan.
It requires much honesty and exploration to institute major changes, whether it is in an organization or your personal life. If we just keep taking one step at a time and depend on God it will be well worth our effort.