Many people around the world are now spending almost all their time at home. If you have found yourself with some extra time or even feeling bored then please consider taking your pursuit of God up a notch. This is your chance to go deeper and discover a greater connection with God. Here are some ideas from previous posts that should help.
- Learn to let Scripture transform, of “Christform” as I like to say, you. Use this Activational Meditation format to let Scripture go deep and change your heart: .
- Do a “deep clean” of your soul. This might be a time for you to let God work on your weaknesses, unbelief, lack of love and bad habits. Use this exercise to walk through the process of purification: Here is a more thorough guide for purification for more deeply embedded issues: guide.
- Assess your spiritual life. Here is a link to our spiritual life questionnaire that gives you a general overview of your spiritual life and highlights possible areas for growth: questionnaire. Here is the post that introduces it::
- Spend some time just listening or sitting with God. Prayer is much more than asking God for things. He wants us to spend some time with him listening or learning how to just rest with him where he dwells deep inside us. This post includes a guide to doing this:
Don’t waste your free time! Just 30-60 minutes a day can make a permanent difference in your spiritual life. God is waiting to infuse more of his life into you.