We know that walking in the Spirit is an essential Christian practice. However, it can feel too abstract at times. Romans 8:5-6 has a helpful guideline for walking in the Spirit: “Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (NIV). This meditation will help you to set your mind on the Spirit.
Absorb. Consider the meaning of each phrase. What is the purpose of the passage? What does the Spirit desire? Read it with your name in it. Then imagine Jesus in front of you speaking these words to you; how does this affect you? Ask him any questions you have. Ruminate on setting your mind on the Spirit’s desires. Understand it and let it sink in.
Feelings. How did you feel as you absorbed this verse? Express your feelings to God.
Truth Commitment. Invite God to reveal your heart then ask yourself: How much do I believe that I can enter into the practice described in this verse? Do I believe that this practice will me give life and peace? If I have unbelief, why?
Virtue & Action Commitment. Invite God to reveal your heart then ask yourself: How much do I actively live in accord with the Spirit and let him govern my mind? How much do I desire what the Spirit desires? How is Jesus a model for me to follow? How can I overcome any barriers to living this way, including any root issues?
Prayer. Tell God what changes you are committed to making and ask him for help.
Action. Determine the next step toward developing a mind that is set on the Spirit then take it as soon as possible.
Reception (Contemplation.) Ask God to show you anything that you have not fully embraced as well as anything else he desires to show you, or ask Jesus a question about this topic. Conceive an image or idea that helps you set your mind on the Spirit. While you set your mind on the Spirit, sit with a quiet and open heart for at least 60 seconds. Note how this affects you.
Are you willing to set your mind on the Spirit for the next week? Keep track of how this affects your faith and devotion