“Peace be with you” (John 20:19, 21, 26, ESV). After Jesus arose he appeared to his disciples and at least three times he said to them “Peace be with you.” They had been extremely distressed by his death and the opposition of the Jewish leaders but now Jesus is emphasizing that they should now have peace. “Peace” includes a general inner harmony and freedom from turmoil. This peace is available to all his followers who keep their focus on him and walk in his Spirit. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit and so if we keep faith we experience a deep peace that passes understanding (Phil. 4:7). When we embrace fear and unbelief this peace fades but we can always refocus ourselves on the peace Jesus gives. He wants us to have peace and he provides it. Let us be encouraged that God is in control of all things and will bring us to a New Eden. We have access to what every human heart craves: deep inner peace.