“For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” Heb 2:18 (ESV) Since Jesus felt the suffering that comes with resisting temptation he is able to help us too. How does he help us? Through the reality that all believers are connected to him like a body to a head. Thus, the same power to resist temptation that Jesus had, he gives to us when we abide in him. Temptation can include temptation to pride instead of humility, or temptation to neglect devotional time, or giving in to any of the deeper weaknesses inside us. When we feel the trouble that comes with temptation, when we feel the pull of our destructive desires, when we want to follow God but feel weak, then we can stop ourselves and put our hearts in front of Jesus. He knows what it is like to struggle with temptation. If we spend a few minutes in prayer and tell him we are weak and put our lives into his hands then he will give us strength. We can overcome temptation. Even better, we can find a Christian friend and ask for help and Jesus will send his strength through your friend into our hearts. This is one of the great blessings of the incarnation and Christmas. The son of God became human so we could have access to power to resist temptation and throw off everything that tears down our lives. In this way we come closer to full Christformation and our union of love with God.