Our Lives Please God – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked,
but the prayer of the upright pleases him.

Proverbs 15:8 (NIV)

Followers of Jesus desire to please God. We want more than right standing with him and knowing he loves us, we want to know that our lives please God. We do not want to be a problem child, loved by their parent, but inflicting distress and disappointment on them.

It is important to remind ourselves that our lives do please God when we abide in him. If we are becoming more and more Christlike, in other words, righteous, then we know that our prayers please him. The Creator of the universe is actually glad when he hears us. He is happy that his love for us has not gone to waste, but has transformed us and made us more godly.

Do not forget to encourage yourself by reminding yourself that you please God as you follow him. It is easy to look at your immaturity and weaknesses and wonder if God is pleased with you or just accepting us and hoping you change. He really is pleased with you and your faithfulness to him. If you remind yourself of this it will bring a measure of peace and joy to your heart.

How often do you tell yourself that you pleased God with something you said or did? How much encouragement do you receive by remembering that you please God?

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