Do You Crave Spiritual Sweetness?

We all love to feel the presence of God. We love times when we feel his love or joy welling up inside us. We feel free and light or just tremendous peace. But what about the rest of the time when we don’t feel God’s presence or power? Do we find ourselves making every effort to reclaim the spiritual sweetness we had? Seeking spiritual sweetness is okay to an extent. God wants us to feel good and he wants us to feel joy and peace. He wants to be with us as much as we want to be with Him. But there are some things that are more important than spiritual sweetness in the Christian life. Two come to mind. First, submission to God’s will. If we truly want to be in Christ then we should find ourselves seeking God’s will more than seeking spiritual sweetness. God may not want to Continue Reading →

Gathering With Jesus – Weekly Words of Encouragement

“Whoever does not gather with me scatters” (Luke 11:23, NIV). Looking at the positive side of this statement by Jesus, it is encouraging that we can be gathering with Jesus. In this age, Jesus’ mission is our mission because we are his agents. This is our adventure. This is our new life in God, being his channels for sowing the blessings of the kingdom to others. We are his harvesters, inviting and gathering others for the New Creation to come. He is our head and we, his followers, are his body. We are his arms and legs, responding to the leadings of the divine Mind. He is coordinating his followers in his worldwide campaign to bring his kingdom to the whole earth, and we are gathering with Jesus. And one day we will all be together on the New Earth, our eternal gathering place, to live in a New Eden. Continue Reading →

What Is A Mature Christian?

Over the centuries many Christian teachers have outlined what it looks like to become a mature Christian. These outlines, or guides, are helpful because they help us see what we are “aiming” for in our Christian life. In other words, they tell us what it means to become a mature Christian. The New Testament speaks many times about what it means to be “mature” or “complete” (sometimes the word “perfect” is used but it means complete in Greek.) This idea that Christians grow spiritually and that we can describe what this looks like along the way is referred to as “stages of growth”. We could also refer to these stages as phases or processes. These stages are supposed to encourage us because they describe the good that is ahead for us. In other words, they help us know what to look forward to. The clearest descriptions in Scripture of some Continue Reading →

Loving The Beauty Of Holiness

The directive to actively pursue purification is one of the most prevalent themes in the New Testament. We can think of pursuing holiness as wiping the mud out of our eyes so we can see God clearly. It is the restoration of our original Adamic image of God which includes freedom from the dirt and grime that robbed us of the vital and peaceful Spiritual life that God desires for us. Holiness becomes increasingly sweeter as we mature because we feel more of the peace and joy that comes with participating in the nature of God. As we grow in holiness we will feel ourselves becoming more at one with our bridegroom. We experience the beauty of holiness and a foretaste of our future marital bliss. So we pursue holiness out of love. Receiving God’s beauty produces delight. When someone finds a gold nugget in the ground it doesn’t look Continue Reading →

Correcting Fellow Believers

Bruce and Tom are spiritual friends and have edifying conversations on a regular basis. They encourage one another and each one feels stronger because of the friendship. Bruce starts to notice that Tom makes little joking putdowns of others in his conversations with people. Of course, this isn’t a cardinal sin but it is definitely not godly speech. What should Bruce do? Should Bruce be correcting fellow believers? Being a spiritual friend to someone is a huge blessing, for you as well as them. Believers are recognizing they need spiritual help, so life coaching and spiritual direction are more popular now than in the past. But how can we be a spiritual friend who actually makes a difference in someone’s life? How can we be God’s channel for transformation? One of the keys to being a good spiritual friend is saying the hard things that you don’t want to say. Continue Reading →