The Least Is The Greatest – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.” Luke 9:48, NIV. Once again Jesus declares that his kingdom is an upside-down kingdom. Humans strive for status in this life, but how many people are more concerned with their status in God’s kingdom? Our status in the kingdom of God is not dependent on our status in this world. God is not interested in our worldly status. Instead, it is the one who is least among us who is the most important; the least is the greatest. In this passage Jesus was trying to settle an argument among his twelve disciples about who was greatest. But this doesn’t just apply to the twelve; anyone who is willing to humble themselves like a child is great in the kingdom of God (Matt. 18:4). This is so encouraging to those who have no status in this Continue Reading →

Invite The Lost Into The Jesus Counterculture

Last week we saw that it is normal for society to consider Christians intolerant or antisocial and that historically people turn to Jesus when Christians are outcasts and lights for Jesus. So, we have the opportunity to invite people into the Jesus counterculture. Yet, some of us may be avoiding the idea of Christians being separate from the mainstream of society. If we let go of these things we will find peace as well as greater effectiveness for Jesus. Instead, we should remember that we do not need to think of ourselves as being on the defensive. Rather, we are always on the offensive because we are bringing “goodness and light” to the world. The Jesus counterculture is a greater contrast to popular culture than ever before. Some of the lost are looking for an alternative, we can offer the Jesus counterculture. We do not have to be afraid to bring Continue Reading →

How To Be Fruitful – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” Luke 8:15 (NIV) This is Jesus’ promise at the end of the parable of the sower. The seeds that fell on good soil produced a huge harvest “a hundred times more than was sown.” We all want to live fruitful lives for God and produce as much as God allows. So what does this teach about how to be fruitful for God? This verse mentions five responsibilities. First, have a noble heart. That is, we desire what is excellent and honorable. Second, we have a good heart. That is, our heart actually embraces and abides in good. Third, we hear the word. So we need to expose ourselves to God’s word. Fourth, we retain God’s words. Thus, we need to believe God’s words Continue Reading →

Being A Light In A Culture That Rejects God

Many of us feel like large portions of our society are hostile to Christians and not willing to respect our beliefs. Christians are vilified in some media just for expressing moral standards. We are considered intolerant towards people and irrelevant to society. We are misrepresented in order to make it easier to reject us. The good news is that these are all attitudes that the citizens of the Roman Empire held towards Christians for over 250 years. But Christianity still steadily grew and by the end of the 4th century, it was the dominant religion in the Empire because believers excelled at being a light for Christ. Christians in the Roman Empire were considered antisocial because they did not join in the immoral pagan worship or in the violent and bloody spectacles that were popular at the time. Christians were considered atheists because they would not worship any of the Continue Reading →

Jesus Will Gather Us Together – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.” Mark 13:26-27 (ESV). Jesus will gather us together when he returns to earth, and this time he will return with great power. We think of Jesus as living a powerful life when he was here, but it won’t compare to his second coming when he comes with overwhelming power. The power of the Son will not be confined or partially hidden. What’s more, he will also come with glory, which means that his majesty and goodness will be fully displayed, and it will be the greatest glory the world has ever seen. But the best part is that Jesus will gather us together, all the people Continue Reading →