Jesus Will Gather Us Together – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.” Mark 13:26-27 (ESV). Jesus will gather us together when he returns to earth, and this time he will return with great power. We think of Jesus as living a powerful life when he was here, but it won’t compare to his second coming when he comes with overwhelming power. The power of the Son will not be confined or partially hidden. What’s more, he will also come with glory, which means that his majesty and goodness will be fully displayed, and it will be the greatest glory the world has ever seen. But the best part is that Jesus will gather us together, all the people Continue Reading →

Incredible Motivation To Live For Eternity

I enjoy tennis. And I want to continually improve because it brings some joy to hit the ball well instead of hitting it over the fence. Also, playing well allows me to compete with others without being embarrassed and enjoy the competition. So, I am motivated to improve, and I am willing to sacrifice for it. A while ago, I wanted to improve my forehand stroke by practicing with a ball machine. When I finally had time I checked the weather – it wasn’t good. It was cold and windy, which is not good weather for standing and hitting balls from a ball machine. Should I go? I debated briefly, but I decided to go. I was willing to sacrifice comfort for the sake of improving my forehand. When I got there, it was cold and miserable, and I spent about 20 minutes of my 60 minutes setting up and Continue Reading →

The Last Shall Be First – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“But many who are first will be last, and the last first. ” (Mark 10:31, NIV) This is one of the most encouraging promises Jesus ever made. He makes it clear that achievement in this life is not a requirement for everlasting happiness and honor. Since the first shall be last, many who accomplish great things in this life and receive honor from the world will find themselves in last place in the next life. Since the last shall be first, many who are last in this life will have the greatest honor and privilege in the next life. This verse comes after Jesus’ teaching that it is difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God, and all who make sacrifices to follow Jesus will be richly rewarded. Thus, regardless of our occupation, social status, economic class or general lack of honor, if we follow Jesus devoutly, we Continue Reading →

How Do You Choose A Christian Leader?

Several years ago there was a minister who was a very popular speaker at Pentecostal and charismatic conferences. He was known for his unusual supernatural gifting and older leaders were giving him a lot of support in his ministry. He even went on a high-profile speaking tour, and many testified to miracles through his ministry. But after a couple of years, it was revealed that he was having trouble in his marriage since he was pursuing another woman. Apparently, there had been problems in his marriage for years. His ministry practically dissolved. The question is, what principles did they follow when they were deciding to choose a Christian leader? How did other ministers decide to promote this person to such a high-profile ministry? Why did they think this person was mature enough to be given such influence? Did anyone do personal discipling for him? And why does this keep happening Continue Reading →

You Will Share in God’s Happiness – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” Matt. 25:23 (NIV). This is a tremendously encouraging promise because God is promising to reward all our efforts at following and loving him by letting us share in God’s happiness as well as share in his management of the universe. We will participate in the goodness of God and taste God himself. We will share in his radiant glory; we will be glorified in Christ (Rom. 8:17). This is a fulfillment of the kingdom of God, which God wants to give to his people. We only have part of the kingdom now, but then we will experience the whole kingdom of God. All our sacrifices, all our holiness, all our faithfulness will be more than rewarded by the greatest bliss possible. Continue Reading →