When I was in high school the “straight” kids could not be part of the “in-group.” The kids who drank, or partied or did drugs were popular. Off-color jokes and cutting others down also helped. But obviously this was just kids trying to be cool and popular and willing to compromise their conscience. The good kids just had to accept being outsiders. But when the “in-group” kids became adults it seemed that many of them matured and recognized what it meant to live a healthy life. They married and had kids and changed their ways. They became more responsible and less dependent on approval won through foolish immorality.
But now it seems the whole country is like a high school. Few actually grow up anymore. Hedonism and boastfulness are the popular virtues. When the “good kids” speak up they just get shoved to the side. They seem so uptight and judgmental. It seems like they are just trying to ruin everyone’s fun. Even though they try to protect the young and the weak, they are rejected for being moralistic or religious. Even though families are disintegrating, hearts are dying and children are crying the “in-group” doesn’t want to hear it. Even though divorce, pornography, violent video games, and sexual confusion are destroying the children the “in-group” won’t act because everyone creates their own morality and there is no universal morality. Parents shouldn’t even teach morality to their children. No principles transcend the individual. So we let everyone destroy themselves with their own fun.
The “in-group” is so accepting as long as you don’t mention morality. So the “in-group” keeps growing and gets to enjoy the limelight and laugh at the “straight” kids. The actors and singers lead the way. Yet even though the “in group” acts like they are happy, inside they are lost, and lonely, and sad.
So how do followers of Jesus respond? As always we respond in the Spirit with the fruits of the Spirit: love, patience, kindness, forgiveness, gentleness and humility. Whether we are involved in politics or not, the fruits of the Spirit, which are the virtues of Christ are always top priority.
Secondly, we accept reality without anger. Of course we may have a short time of denial, but if we don’t accept reality we won’t be able to make a difference. Pretending that we are still part of “in group” keeps us from acting effectively. Moreover, we must be able to accept this without anger. We are losing something very precious to us – a society that respects Christian living. It is easy to be angry but we can’t afford to be angry. We must “love our enemies”. Anger and fighting only block the kingdom of God.
Which leads to the final point. If we can embrace reality and the fruits of the Spirit then we are ready to engage the lost. We can learn how to talk to our un-Christian neighbors. We can remind ourselves that no matter how they appear their hearts are empty and really do need Jesus. We can remind ourselves that many have been devastated by our destructive culture and they are just replaying what they’ve been taught. Everyone wants to be respected and valued. When we give them that the door is almost always open.