Struggling With All God’s Energy

Though you may not get involved in debates about free will versus God’s sovereignty, you probably still think about how much to rely on your efforts and how much to rely on the Holy Spirit’s efforts. If you want to learn patience, do you exert as much fortitude as possible or do you wait for strength from the Spirit? For help with this, consider Paul’s description of his ministry in Colossians 1:28-29: “That we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me (ESV).

This is a strange statement. How can someone struggle but use someone else’s energy to do so? I can work with my own energy and you can work with your energy, but you cannot work with my energy. Even if I somehow inspire you with my energy, you still can’t use my energy to actually do your work. But God’s arrangement transcends human limitations. He provides power inside us but he also wants us to use our energy to struggle and battle in our calling to maturity. As we look to him and struggle we are actually using our energy and God’s energy at the same time. If our heart is depending on God for strength, then we can proceed to “struggle” and expect growth. Below is a meditation to help us more fully embrace this practice.

Absorb Scripture. Reflect on the meaning and purpose of this verse for issues in your life. What images would you use to illustrate this mystery? How does it relate to loving God? Ruminate on it, understand it and let it sink in.

Truth Commitment. Invite God to reveal your heart then ask yourself: Do I believe that I can “struggle with all his energy”? Do I believe that if I “struggle with all his energy” I will continuously mature? Tackle any unbelief you might have.

Virtue & Action Commitment. Invite God to reveal your heart then ask yourself: Am I actively pursuing growth in my new-Adam will? Am I growing in my cooperation with God’s will and power? In what areas of my life am I not properly struggling with God’s energy? What can I learn about the nature of this struggle from other descriptions of Paul’s life? How is Jesus a model for me to follow? Am I able to focus on Christ and use my energy at the same time? Follow through by telling God that you are fully committed to “struggling with all his energy” in any area you have been lacking.

Reception (Contemplation). Ask God to show you anything you have not fully embraced as well as anything else he desires to show you, or ask Jesus a question about this topic. Sit with a quiet and open heart for at least 60 seconds.

Pick one area of your life and “struggle with all his energy” until you make progress!

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