Sometimes we think we are not able to accomplish Christformation and defeat a bad habit because we need something more when in fact we do not need anything more. God has already provided the strength inside us so it is within our character, or maturity level. If we commit ourselves to it then the change will come. Popular culture may tell us to just be ourselves, or that other people are responsible for all our problems, but Jesus calls us to actively grow up into new Adams who can overcome life’s challenges.
A simple exercise will illustrate how your character relates to transformation. Think of a minor bad habit that you want to break. Commit yourself to abstain from the habit for one week while you look to Christ. Most people will find that they can succeed. This is because it was within their character, and they just needed to decide. If you can’t abstain in spite of activating your will while consciously depending on God’s power, then it is probably outside your character. You will need to seek channels of grace such as meditation on Scripture, prayer and spiritual counseling.
As we activate our will to abide in Christ’s teachings, it grows stronger with every small decision. Much on this website should help to form your will. Remember that what you are doing when you exercise your will is letting your new self dominate your life so that you can grow in your “betrothal” with Christ as you look ahead to your eventual marriage. You are putting aside your destructive desires and living out of the connection between your new nature and God’s Spirit inside you, while abiding in Christ. You are giving more freedom to this relationship.
Sometimes it is distasteful to exercise your will but that is just the feeling of your old self dying. It is good to taste this. It is good to relish the sour taste and look forward to more because “unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” (John 12:24, NIV). If you feel like you are dying a little, then you are feeling what you should feel. Do we not embrace dying to self if we want close human relationships? Don’t we recognize that it is necessary for the growth of the relationship? Therefore, we can rejoice when we choose to put the old destructive self to death, knowing we can partake of more of Christ.