The Lord’s unfailing love
Psalms 32:10 (NIV)
surrounds the one who trusts in him.
We have many challenges to faith in God in our lives. We are constantly tempted to worry instead of trust. We are constantly tempted to fix problems on our own because we do not want to entrust them to God and let his words guide us. We are tempted to shade the truth and deny the truth about ourselves. In short, we are tempted to live in fear and self-reliance instead of living in God’s love.
This passage promises us that his love surrounds us when we trust in him. What is more secure and comforting than that? True, we can’t see him, and we don’t hear his audible voice telling us that he loves us and will work all things together for good. But, we do have his promises.
So it is much wiser to learn to stretch our faith by anchoring our minds and hearts to faith in him especially in the more difficult situations. Then, regardless of the result, we know we are surrounded by his love and he will reward those who trust him.