The Gift of Divine Power – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds,
God our Savior,
the hope of all the ends of the earth
and of the farthest seas,

Psalms 65:5 (NIV)

What are the awesome and righteous deeds that God for us under his New Covenant? How do they compare to the Old Covenant?

What could be more awesome than God’s act of rebirthing a new self inside all who believe in Jesus? This is beyond even what we might hope from God. Yet, he puts inside us a new self that desires holiness and virtue and oneness with God. Add to that that God actually puts his Spirit inside us, dwelling in us as God dwelt in the holy of holies in Solomon’s temple! We actually have God’s himself living inside us, guiding and strengthening us. On top of that, we are united with Christ into his body in which he is the head. We are branches of his vine. And Christ supplies spiritual nourishment to his people (Col. 2:19). In all these ways the New Covenant far exceeds the Old.

This threefold living supply of divine power enables us to experience the restoration of the image of God in us. By his mercy, we can live godly lives in an ungodly world, radiating God’s light for anyone who is willing to see it. In this way, we spread the hope of God throughout the Earth.

He has not withheld his infinite power from us in this age, but rather magnified it. This gives us peace and an anchor that cannot be moved. He displays his righteousness by making us righteous which is worth more than all treasures of this world.

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