“But many who are first will be last, and the last first. ” (Mark 10:31, NIV) This is one of the most encouraging promises Jesus ever made. He makes it clear that achievement in this life is not a requirement for everlasting happiness and honor. Since the first shall be last, many who accomplish great things in this life and receive honor from the world will find themselves in last place in the next life. Since the last shall be first, many who are last in this life will have the greatest honor and privilege in the next life.
This verse comes after Jesus’ teaching that it is difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God, and all who make sacrifices to follow Jesus will be richly rewarded. Thus, regardless of our occupation, social status, economic class or general lack of honor, if we follow Jesus devoutly, we will receive so much more than what we are missing. The “last shall be first” means you will be honored as one of the more important children of God in the next age. Of course, we should pursue excellence in whatever our vocation is, and sometimes we will receive honor in this life. But eternal honor is based on how we follow Christ and follow his instructions for treating others. This life is short and so our indignities are brief compared to the eternal glory God is waiting to shower on us.
How much status do you have in this life? How much have you sacrificed? If you have been faithful, how much do you believe that the last shall be first and you will be one of the first in the Kingdom of God?