The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,
Proverbs 4:18 (NLT)
which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.
This proverb encourages us to walk in the way of righteousness because the path gets brighter and better the longer we travel it. If we are trying to break a bad habit, such as changing our viewing habits, it might feel like we have only a glimmer of the blessing when we first make the change. It may be distasteful at first (darkness), but we can taste a little of the benefit (the first gleam of dawn). If we continue to walk in the new way, the way becomes broader and brighter. The darkness fades and we become more attached to the goodness we have found in this new righteous way.
Therefore, do not become weary of purifying your life from corruption. It may feel unpleasant at first but if we persevere the path will open up to us, so that we will experience the peace and satisfaction of abiding closer to Christ. Persevere in your spiritual practices until they embed God’s goodness in your heart, so that his light shines through to those around you.
Is there a purification or practice that you have been neglecting because it seems too difficult? Consider taking the first steps and persevering for at least two months until the way seems brighter and better.