“For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” II Pet. 1:11 (ESV) II Peter 1 lists virtues we should seek such as faith, self-control, endurance, godliness and brotherly kindness. Then God promises that if we practice these qualities that we will have a “rich” entrance into the kingdom of Jesus! In other words, if we will diligently become like Christ then we will be tremendously blessed in the next age. Just imagine actually entering into the kingdom and experiencing a big celebration for you personally because you dedicated your life to being like Jesus in your relationships and actions on earth. It might seem like God is going overboard to promise us a rich entrance but that is how He is. Thus, it is more than worth it to dedicate ourselves to God in this way.

It’s soul enriching and strengthen the heart. God bless.
Thanks so much for the encouragement Olufiade! So glad you are following Jesus. Looking forward to seeing you in the Kingdom one day.