We Will Endure Forever – Weekly Words of Encouragement

[David’s] offspring shall endure forever,
his throne as long as the sun before me.

Psalms 89:36 (ESV)

After the Psalmist recounts God’s covenant with David and how God promised to make him strong and blessed, he adds that God promised that his offspring and throne will endure forever. How did God fulfill this? Is this fulfilled by the fact that the Jewish people survived all the various military invasions by world powers and is still a nation today?

We find the answer in Acts 2:30-31

Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his descendants on his throne, he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ Acts 2:30-31

Acts 2:30-31 (ESV)

Thus, since he ascended to heaven and God enthroned him, Jesus is the one is on the throne of David now. He is divine-human king over all of God’s people. And who are David’s offspring? There is no passage that designates believers of Jesus as the offspring of David but the New Testament clearly states that they are children of Abraham.

Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham.

Galatians 3:7 (ESV)

Thus, Christians – whether Jewish or non-Jewish – are the new Jews in the Spirit. In this way we are the descendants of David because we are the true followers of Yahweh.

The encouragement is that we shall endure forever since we are David’s offspring. And our king, Jesus, shall be king forever on the New Earth. God will fulfill his promises to David through Jesus and we shall live in the kingdom of Jesus for eternity. This is our hope and the destiny that we focus on. The struggles of this world and even death cannot deprive us of what God has promised to us. We will live in a harmonious and joyful society with God and the Lamb at the center and fulfill all the callings that God originally announced to Adam and Eve.

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